Sexual transmutation- new perspective on sexuality

The powerful energy resource of the human body, many scientists already confirm it, it is the sexual potential. It was found that about a third of the vital energy we extract from food, air and sunlight is used to produce sexual fluids (semen in men, sexual secretions for women). Each can prove this truth, when it loses a part of it. Thus, after frequent ejaculation, men may experience a considerable decrease of vitality and also a decrease in mental power and capacity for concentration.

Taoist sages believes that equate sexual fluid painting a hundred paintings vital energy blood. Tantric philosophy relates to Ojas, a regenerative substance that can occur during the sexual act without ejaculation, made by a man and a woman who love each other. Incited by taoists results, researchers today have extended the study of biological transmutation and on human sexual potential. They noted that these processes of transmutation can be controlled and triggered at will by any man.

Biological transmutation is the process by which a living organism, under its own body temperature, produce a chemical element from another chemical, by a regrouping of the constituents of atoms, with a slow release, but energy giant. The reaction of biological transmutation which takes place under specific conditions, is actually a nuclear fission reaction that occurs when the body temperature without abrupt recess, greater energy lightning, as occurs, for example, in nuclear reactors. The Sun and the stars transmutation processes occur continually. The hydrogen is converted into helium, then to the end of a star’s life, it goes into heavier elements such as carbon, oxygen, calcium, iron and uranium. Closer to our time, nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants typically produce new chemical elements, from uranium. It is bombarded with neutrons and fission, producing the famous radioactive waste that are nothing but transmuted elements.


Biological transmutation is always present everywhere in the biological sphere, from microorganisms, plants, animals and to humans. It is important to note that all these processes take place in the living world transmutation at normal temperatures. At the cellular level, biological transmutation reactions are guided by specific enzymes called transmutaze, mitochondrial localized.

A huge energy potential lies in inert sexual human being, so little explored due to ignorance. Superficially we think our body is all matter. Experimentation biological transmutation processes, sexually own being, makes us realize that we are structured in an incredible amount of energy particles, held together in an enigmatic and under certain conditions can be restructured triggering a huge energy. Understanding all this, we realize that biological transmutation is not a luxury or privilege of some exceptional beings, but a divine gift that is accessible to everyone, understand and apply intelligence and perseverance. It is the strong key that can help us to realize that everything is possible, leading us from slavery to freedom.

People today are aging prematurely, reckless squandering their sexual energy. In accordance with the spiritual traditions, like Tantra or Taoism, this energy is a genuine elixir of long life if it is used in a wise way. The ancient Chinese emperors were educated by their taoist masters to learn how to creatively use their sexual energy, making seminal retention techniques. Chinese tradition evokes a golden age in which all people lived in harmony with nature and were able to effortlessly transmute sexual fluids,obtaining a great capacity of remaining a long time young and strong on multiply levels. It is known that in the Middle Ages, alchemists sought to turn lead into gold by certain physico-chemical methods known only to the few.

Although transmutation processes occur in different compartments of the body, they are most intense in the sexual fluids . From this point of view, a sign of the transmutation processes is the effervescence of sexual energy (the state of sexual arousal). Triggered huge energies by transmuting the sexual potential are ideal for supplying fuel orgasmic states. When transmutation is very intense, the human being is able to experience multiple orgasms states for minutes or even tens of minutes. Psychically, almost permanent state of inner effervescence, the ability to experience intense emotions beneficial and long lasting, overwhelming feelings are signs of the onset of biological transmutation processes. In the long term, biological transmutation provides perfect state of health. Through these processes, the body manages to recycle or eliminate waste entirely toxic substances necessary to procure correct operation even if they have not been directly supplied from outside to generate the amount of energy necessary to sustain daily activities very demanding. In interactions with the external environment, the ease with which different problems are solved and extraordinary efficiency are signs of a good capacity of transmutation. For such a man all doors are open and it can easily transform “what is” to “what could be”.

In man the atomic transmutation process is continuously produced within metabolism, sexuality, mental activities and within spiritual experiences. Nowadays it is precisely known that every atom of our body contains a huge energy equivalent to 200,000,000 eV. Further it can be said that in the sexual potential, represented by sperm and ovum, there are hundreds of millions of volts “trapped in the material”.


In 1797 Schrader won the Academy of Sciences in Berlin, demonstrated the formation of chemical elements in wheat germ and oats, with no external support. In 1799, french chemist Vauchelin intrigued by the large amount of calcium excreted on a daily chickens, a hen isolated and studied balance of inputs / outputs of this element of its body. He noted with astonishment that chickens excrete four times more calcium than they consume. It concluded that somehow this element is produced in the body hens, but could not explain how this is happening. Going on their trail, along the nineteenth century many scientists have studied the possibility of converting a chemical element into another in living organisms (different species of plants or animals). One of the most tenacious German chemist Von Herzelee was that between 1875 and 1883 made no less than 500 analyzes showed that increasing the amount of certain chemicals in plants grown without soil (pure water only).

But the largest biological transmutation research was undertaken by Louis Kervran (1901-1983). He gathered an impressive number of samples from different branches of science (biology, geology, agriculture, astronomy), which demonstrates the reality of nuclear reactions inside living structures. He has published numerous articles and books, most notably the “transmutation at low energies” (Transmutations of energy faible 1964 Maloine, Paris) and “evidence concerning the existence of biological transmutation at low energies” (Preuves faible en biology of transmutations of energy in 1975 , Maloine, Paris). In recognition of its high scientific research in 1975 he was nominated for the Nobel Prize.

Here are some mysterious phenomena studied by L. Kervran and can be explained by biological transmutation.
The possibility of a chemical transformation to another within living organisms has aroused the attention of scientists since the late eighteenth century.

One of the most direct ways to prove the biological transmutation of certain chemical elements is to measure the balance of inputs / outputs of a particular chemical element in a living organism. In the absence of any reaction transfection, the balance should be zero in the long term. A long-term difference between a chemical inputs and outputs can be explained only by the transformation (transmutation) that element inside that body. In an experiment conducted in the Sahara by workers in the oil industry was closely monitored ingestion and excretion of several important chemicals for a period of 8 months. Balance was negative all the time, all workers on average 250 mg eliminating more than ingesting magnesium (considering that total reserve of a human body magnesium is approximately 5 g, this imbalance is huge!). On the other hand, sodium balance was positive the whole time (ingesting more sodium than removed), which could demonstrate the transformation of magnesium into sodium (23Na + 1H> 24mg). Although Kervran’s gigantic opera demonstrates beyond doubt the existence of biological transmutation where many living organisms, including human beings, he unfortunately failed to create a current in the scientific world. Despite overwhelming evidence that his work presents today many scientists smile when you hear his name Kervran (if they ever heard of it!) And continues to consider bizarre theory as biological transmutation of a man with great imagination.

Currently there are biological transmutation scholars who approach the subject from a slightly different perspective. The discovery in 1989 of nuclear fusion at room temperature (the so-called cold fusion, “cold fusion”), the idea that living organisms are capable of such performance became more easily acceptable to scientists working in the field. Researchers like Jean Paul Biberian (France) or A. Kornilova (Russia) and Vysotskii (Ukraine) conducted many successful experiments on biological transmutation that occurs inliving organisms.


If a man has not put himself the issue of sexual transmutation on time (especially since finding out about it, that is before the andropause) afterwards will be too late lamenting in vain as any old man who wants, but no more can.
Basically how can sexual transmutation can be realized by a man? Tantra offers many techniques in this direction.

First before anything is man’s intention to really wants this aspect in his life, namely sexual transmutation. The great sages of the world states that a clear, firm and strong intention represents 50% of success of any action!

The second aspect is a constant purification of our body, eliminating coffee, alcohol, meat, tobacco, and all kinds of food like fast food, canned, processed with additives, preservatives, carbonated drinks that do nothing but be a large and rotten brick especially in our colon and thus not allow our sexual energy to circulate, better not to allow sexual transmutation process.

The third aspect that makes very easy the process of transmutation to take place and at the same time very intense is LOVE. Few know that most easily we can indeed transform ourself is through LOVE. They are even known to sexologists cases of men because of their frantic love and adoration that they show to their lovers during lovemaking, they can not ejaculate. Some will reply in such cases that those men were impotent, but things are not so at all. They actually transmuted at their own body temperature the sexual potential, states of pleasure and fulfillment widened greatly.

The fourth aspect from the point of Ayurveda medicine that can be a reliable aid in sexual transmutation is the ingestion of special medicinal herbs. Enlist some of the most famous: Shivalinga, Gorakmundi, Kamala, Vanharidra, Haritachi, Ashoka, Daruharidra, Shirish, Badara. Their administration is a maximum of 4 grams powder per day on empty stomach 15 to 20 minutes kept under the tongue ( the medicine already know that the taste buds assimilate the best and faster information from herbs, food).

One of the most effective ways to avoid discharging the sexual potential is to achieve very long periods of time which in Tantra terminology is called Aswini MUDRA (gesture horse in translation), which implies the contraction with power the anus muscles and maintain as much as possible this contraction. This extremely simple technique can be done easily in “death” times during the day (while going by car, on the bus, in the office, while watching TV etc.). Although it seems a very simple method, yet stunning effects Aswini Mudra can produce in obtaining sexual transmutation and erotic potential default control when applied long time enough, while providing into man who practices it erotic force, eliminating fatigue and all sorts of fears more or less unconscious. Avoid achieve it immediately after a meal.

The second process is fractional urination. Wise believes that whoever has control over urinary potential has also control over his sexual potential. There are three methods that can achieve both the urinary and sexual potential control:
– First method consists of fractional urination, very short and very dense jets, among which pauses long enough to be completely stopped the flow of urine.
– The second method is stronger: when we feel the need to urinate relax urinary sphincters and contracted then immediately, firmly, before urine to be out of bladder. This it must be practiced in the beginning only to the toilet.
– The third method is practiced when we make love, namely: a quarter to an hour before lovemaking we drink (both women and men) water or fresh fruit juice starting a liter up to two liters so that occur during lovemaking urge to urinate. While we love we seek to relax the whole area of the bladder and also the lower abdominal .Practically it will be very difficult to urinate because of penetration, occurring in reality the phenomenon of sexual transmutation.

The first signs of success with these methods, namely the success of triggering the phenomenon of sexual transmutation, are small or large shivers down on the spine that can occur, converting our normal state into an euphoric one, stena, full of charisma and even happiness.

All of these methods need to be made with a lot of common sense, without forcing at all, in a state of relaxation and inner peace.