The 5 energies that can sustain a strong and stable erection

The sexual wisdom and love in TAO influence about 5 types of energy that are necessary to produce a powerful erection and a long lasting angle of erection; these kinds of energies are the main components of the sexual health of a man; if one of them is missing, the sexual male function will suffer disorder and that will affect the entire ... More

Erection angle in Tao tradition

Erection angle reflected in the palm TAO tradition masters have discovered the strong links beetween the erection angle, age, signs, internal organs and the non-ejaculation principle: 1.Between 15-20 years old, a man's erection angle is 45-60 degrees, in the TIger sign and it streigthens the lungs, the brachial tubes and the lymph glande ... More

TANTRA a real sacrifice for happiness

In the first stage, the fundamental problem that a man engaged on the Tantric erotic path has to face is "ejaculating" versus "not ejaculating" - for many practitioners this is a constant source of confusion.   The main purpose of Tantra has always been finding a direct path towards inner  freedom by using all of the resources that were ... More